Nutrition Services

Sustain Nutrition Package

In the Sustain Nutrition Package, we will have ample time together to build your nutrition foundation through education, strategic interventions, and guided goal setting.

This package is appropriate for someone looking for more accountability as they get started on nutrition counseling. Together, we can discuss more specific strategies such as nutrient timing and collaborate with other members of your healthcare team.

In the Sustain Nutrition Package, we will have ample time together to build your nutrition foundation through education, strategic interventions, and guided goal setting.

This package is appropriate for someone looking for more accountability as they get started on nutrition counseling. Together, we can discuss more specific strategies such as nutrient timing and collaborate with other members of your healthcare team.

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What's Included

  1. One 60 minute initial consultation where I’ll review your onboarding paperwork which includes your nutrition and performance goals, pertinent medical history, existing symptoms, and any lab work you send me.

  2. After the initial consultation, you’ll receive a Nutrition Guidebook with educational information, sample grocery lists, my favorite sports nutrition products, a supplement protocol as needed, additional lab work suggestions, recipes, and dietary goals focused on optimizing your nutrition and health goals.

  3. Four 30 minute follow-up sessions where we work together to breakthrough any obstacles you encounter while making dietary and lifestyle changes. Behavior change, particularly with diet, can be difficult but I’m here to support you every step of the way.

  4. Unlimited messaging with me between sessions through my HIPPA compliant patient portal

Learn More

Please schedule your free Discovery Call with me to determine if we're a good fit, answer any questions you may have, and learn more about my pricing structure.

  • Additional 30-minute appointments may be purchased if you choose to continue working with me

  • All appointments must be used within 5 months of purchase

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